As we’re quickly approaching the next season, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite seasonal activities: seasonal bucketlists
Each season I make a bucketlist of things that I want to do. They can be as little as watching the sunset or as big as lead my first outdoor route. It’s just something that allows me to slow down and enjoy all the moments each season has to offer. And if I don’t complete them all, no worries! I’ll either add it again next year or just be happy about the things I did cross off.
So please enjoy looking through my 2024/25 Winter Bucketlist:
_ Snowshoe picnic
_ Cross country ski
_ Hit 30 days of riding
_ Do a shot ski
_ Watch the sunrise with tea/cocoa
_ Cozy movie day with friends
_ Land a 180 off a jump
_ Visit somewhere new
_ Opening day at a resort
_ Closing day
_ Make breakfast at the hill
_ Splitboard in the backcountry
_ Ride at all the Colorado Ikon destinations
_ Get lead certified in the climbing gym
_ Intentionally watch the sunset
_ Take a clear picture of a snowflake
_ Cook something new
And that’s what I have so far! Maybe I’ll add some other items, but the seasons always go quick.
Have you ever done a seasonal bucketlist? I’d love to hear about it!
Live big.